Saturday, 18 May, 2024

CAN suggests govt to allow home delivery of goods


By A Staff Reporter
Kathmandu, May 21: Computer Association of Nepal (CAN) Federation had expressed its concerns over the government restrictions to the home delivery of goods purchased from online shopping platforms.
Issuing a statement on Thursday, it urged the government to give priority to the home delivery service in line with the postal services.
"Online shopping and home delivery helps prevent and control the spread of COVID-19 pandemic as it reduces the movement of people as they can manage the essential goods while sitting in their homes," said the Federation, "Therefore, the government should make arrangements for this facility."
It said that countries like China and India could implement lockdown effectively with the permission to online shopping and home delivery.
Likewise, it has expressed serious concerns over the government's indifference to including the communication and information technology (ICT) sector to the essential services.
"Telecommunication is included in essential services' list but sales of computer-related goods and equipment is closed while 'work from home' and 'home schooling' is in practice. This has created problems to the sales of mobile and maintenance of mobile and computers needed for work and education," read the statement.
It would create problems to the people as well as students, it said.
Similarly, the CAN Federation has suggested the government to give the health update in real-time, at least in an hour's gap.
It said that the current practice of announcing the update in a day is not helping the people who needed it the most.
"Health Management Information System should be updated in real time so that the people, health workers and hospitals could use it to obtain and provide health services in effective manner," said the CAN.
The objective of information should be saving the lives of people, according to it.
It said that while other many sectors were digitalised, it was unfortunate that the most crucial health sector was not adopting the latest changes in technology.
CAN Federation has also pledged its support to the government in terms of information management and other required services.