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Concrete bridge constructed over Tila River

By Netra Shahi
Khalanga, July 22: A concrete bridge has been constructed over the Tila River in Triveni, Tila Rural Municipality. The bridge is 52.15 metres long and is expected to facilitate travel along the Karnali Highway and connect Jumla with Jajarkot.
According to Rup Bahadur Rawal, head of the Infrastructure Development Office of Jumla, the bridge was constructed at a cost of Rs. 41.2 million. Work on the bridge started in 2016 under the then Technical Office and should have been completed by 2018. However, it fell into oblivion and the construction work only picked up pace after the establishment of the Infrastructure Development Office.
Rawal informed that the bridge was the first bridge of Karnali Province constructed following a high-risk method and is very unique and complex in structure.
Talking to The Rising Nepal, the local people and representatives expressed happiness at the completion of the bridge and hoped that it would make wards 7 and 8 of Tatopani Rural Municipality more accessible in addition to connecting the area with Jajarkot district. Chairman of Tila Rural Municipality Ratan Nath Yogi informed that everyone was overjoyed with the completion of the project. Additionally, the Infrastructure Development Office is also constructing a fair-weather road to connect Jumla with Jajarkot via Imilcha at a cost of Rs. 21.9 million.