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Rural municipalities intensify antigen, PCR tests

By Our Correspondent, Syangja, June 6: After some people in some rural municipalities in Syangja district started showing symptoms similar to coronavirus infection, they have started conducting antigen and PCR tests in an attempt to determine the cause behind the symptoms.

In Syangja, all 92 wards of 11 municipalities have been conducting the tests in coordination with the municipalities.

Ishwor K.C, Arjun Chaupari Rural Municipality Health Chief, said after seeing the coronavirus-like symptoms in the villages, they went there and conducted antigen and PCR tests.

He added that they have reached 13 villages in six wards of the municipality and that more than half of those tests came out to be positive. Officials from Galyang Municipality have also visited 41 villages within its municipality and tested those showing the symptoms, said Bhupraj Adhikari, chief of the municipality.

In addition, Waling Municipality reached 35 villages and Fedikhola Municipality reached 22 villages to conduct antigen tests, said District Health Chief Bishnu Subedi.

Meanwhile, in Chishankhugadhi Rural Municipality and Bhadaure Municipality of Okhaldhunga district, patients with high fever, body pain, and symptoms similar to the coronavirus infection have been found in many houses.

However, villagers have not been able to visit health institutions despite showing the symptoms. Though they were suspected of being infected with coronavirus, only one person was found infected with the virus during contact tracing, said Krishna Bhujel, a local youth.

Locals are reluctant to offer help because of fear of contracting the virus themselves.

They insist that the ward itself manage the treatment for those who are unable to go to the hospital.