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China’s actions to fight against COVID-19

By Li Heng and Zhou Shenglong

When the novel coronavirus hit the world, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that the virus knows no borders or races. Only through joint efforts can all mankind win the war. In the battle of the Covid-19 pandemic, mankind is a community of destiny. No country can be alone.Countries all over the world need mutual assistance to achieve mutual benefit,need cooperation to all-win result. The world shall build a Global Community of Health and work together to jointly meet the challenges, so as to finally win the phased victory of the virus.

Under the leadership of the CPC, the whole nation has followed the general principle of “remaining confident, coming together in solidarity, adopting a science-based approach, and taking targeted measures” ,controlled the spread of the epidemic and won an all-out people’s war on the virus.

The Covid-19 epidemic is a major public health emergency. The virus has spread faster and wider than any other since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.The CPC leadership and China’s socialist system had played a critical role in Covid-19 control and the resumption.In the face of the outbreak , the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to the principle of focusing on people's health and putting people's life safety first. China has put in place an efficient system under which the central authorities exercise overall command, while local authorities and all sectors follow the leadership and instructions of the central authorities, perform their respective duties, and cooperate with each other. To carry out overall planning of epidemic prevention and treatment,local closed-loop control and national collaborative governance. China has listed Covid-19 as a Class B infectious disease, but addressed it with measures applicable to a Class A infectious disease under the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases. And China has taken effective measures in terms of system and mechanism, problem-oriented and accurate implementation of policies. In high-risk areas of the epidemic,China has taken scientific, reasonable and effective isolation measures,and implemented strict control measures for cross regional mobile personnel and external channels.

As China's domestic epidemic outbroke early stage,the shortage of virus prevention materials and the uneven distribution of medical resources were serious such as masks, especially after Wuhan was closed. When many places were facing the dilemma of shortage of medical resources and manpower, President Xi Jinping personally went to the virus control scene and kept abreast of the situation. He combined the overall epidemic situation with local epidemic situation to make timely adjustments to guidance policies according to the phased changes of and possible trend.

On the one hand, under the strong leadership of the CPC, the people of the whole country  mobilized from top to bottom to give full play to the advantages of China’s socialist system. Relying on its overall national strength,China mobilized people, transported resources,procured supplies and brought them to those in need rapidly. In the shortest time, china took the most efforts to cut down the spread of the epidemic.

On the other hand, China mobilized all its medical resources to support the efforts of treatment and rehabilitation in key areas.Temporary treatment centers were established and put into use timely. Through rallied national medical teams and provinces and equivalent administrative units assisted related cities, China provided medical assistance to epidemic areas, carried out scientific and orderly prevention and control in accordance with the law, timely control the epidemic, provided medical treatment for patients, and greatly alleviated the realistic pressure of serious shortage of medical resources in major disaster areas.

In the face of the major epidemic, CPC has concentrated and led the people of the whole country to fight the epidemic with one heart and one mind for the purpose of ensuring people's health. Finally China succeeded in stemming the spread of and win the people’s all-out war against the virus and gaining the victory in Wuhan and Victory in Hubei.

Now, sporadic cases have been reported on the mainland, resulting in case clusters in some locations. Inbound cases are generally under control. The whole country has entered the stage of Conducting Covid-19 Prevention and Control.China has improved the epidemic prevention and control mechanism, implemented the basic strategies of external import prevention, internal proliferation prevention and simultaneous prevention.There are three levels of risk: low, medium, and high.Regions could take measures according to the risk level, which was dynamic and adjusted in light of the evolving situation. A low-risk region was requested to fully restore normal order in work and daily life;a medium-risk region had to prevent inbound and local transmission while restoring normal work and daily life as soon as possible; and a region classified as high-risk was obliged to prevent any spread in its jurisdiction or beyond, enforce strict control measures, and focus on containment.

China strictly controlled the inbound personnel and carried out isolated observation and closed-loop management. In the whole society, China advocated effective preventive measures such as reducing gathering, maintaining social distance, wearing masks in public places and consciously vaccinating, which provide practical guarantee to ensure the normalization of Covid-19 prevention and control.

The CPC role

Covid-19 caught China unawares.The development of the country and society has always been people-centered. Under the strong leadership of the CPC, Chinese government took the protection of human rights as the fundamental, adhered to the overriding interests of the people, resolutely implemented the responsibility of prevention and control, conducted the treatment of patients, and comprehensively carried out the war of annihilation for Covid-19 prevention and control.

Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out that the most powerful weapon for human beings to compete with diseases is science and technology. Human beings cannot defeat major disasters and epidemics without scientific development and technological innovation.China adhered to taking the protection of people's health as the center, fully mobilized the enthusiasm of universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises and other parties, made full use of a variety of scientific and technological innovation achievements, and integrated multidisciplinary forces to speed up the tackling of scientific research emergencies,such as .the covid-19 treatment drugs, vaccines and new detection reagent.

China has also introduced a range of high-sensitivity, easy-to-use test equipment and reagents, accelerated drug research with the unique advantages of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine,and explored new treatment methods to improve the cure rate of patients and reduce the death rate.China has independently developed COVID-19 inactivated vaccine and adenovirus vector vaccine,and popularized free immunization throughout the country,.it effectively built COVID-19 immune barrier and provided strong support for resolutely epidemic prevention.

The CPC Central Committee has unified command and precise implementation of measures for epidemic prevention and control. Minimize the flow of people, minimize the risk of epidemic spread, and take accurate epidemic control measures as much as possible。In every community and village, the grass-roots organizations of the Communist Party of China have made every effort to safeguard the life, health and safety of the people and maintain the stability of social and public order.

For Covid-19 prevention, the first step is to make full use of big data technology and community grid management to conduct epidemiological investigation, weave the community prevention and control network, and trace the source to find new crown pneumonia patients and their close contacts, so as to achieve early detection, isolation and treatment.

On the other hand, China has built the epidemic prevention and controlled risk database according to law and regulations, with focusing on strengthening the health detection of overseas immigrants, close contacts, mobile personnel in risk areas and working personnel in airports, ports and cold chain transportation. Through the establishment of national communication big data travel code, local health code and public place code, China has achieved scientific control over different risk groups by zoning and grading, so as to provide solid and reliable data support for effective Covid-19 prevention and control.

China has acted with a keen sense of responsibility to humanity, its people, and the international community. It has provided information on Covid-19 in a thoroughly professional and efficient way.It has planned as a whole to the central and local, online and offline, domestic and international.China has also timely and publicly released information through multiple channels, platforms and ways, so as to sincerely respond to social concerns.While media expanding public outreach,China has released authoritative information in a multi-level and high-density manner,updates on disease prevention and clarifications that refute rumors to gather forces in the whole society and boost people's confidence. After the outbreak,it wasted no time in releasing epidemic information to whole world.China has held an international briefing  on China’s experience in Covid-19 control,and s hared effective treatment plans and experiences to provides basic, original and valuable information support of Covid-19 control

Global community of human health

Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out the need to put people’s lives and health first.When Covid-19 is raging in China,Chinese government has always implemented the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, insisted on epidemic prevention and control, and made every effort to ensure people's life safety and health.The socialist system makes the people the masters of the country and society, upholds the people's dominant position, and respects human rights and safeguard human dignity.

During the period of severe epidemic in China, the flow of people throughout the country was strictly control,personnel gathering activities was banned,the Spring Festival holiday was extended, and  the commencement of business and schools was postponed, so as to prevent the cross regional spread and aggregation cross infection of the epidemic to the greatest extent.China has encouraged medical enterprises to increase production, enterprises in other industries to switch to expand the supply of medical materials for epidemic prevention and control, which greatly alleviated the pressure on the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

China has taken improving the cure rate and reducing the mortality rate as the primary task and pooled together quality medical resources to assist patient treatment.Free nucleic acid testing has been carried out in epidemic areas and the total cost of Covid-19 treatment has been fully subsidized by Chinese national finance and health insurance system.

During the epidemic prevention and control period, China has spared no effort to maintain normal social order, ensure stable and orderly production and life, and provide a strong guarantee for winning the battle against poverty and achieving the first Centennial goal.The socialist system emphasizes the supremacy of overall interests. It needs to carry out economic and social activities in an orderly manner while keeping the epidemic prevention and control.China has promoted the resumption of work, production and classes in all regions of the country, encouraged online education and home office, and reduced personnel aggregation and regional mobility.

Chinese government has strengthened material allocation to ensure the supply of basic living materials and residents' energy demand.It has made good use of the policy of using sufficient aid to stabilize posts, given full play to the unique advantages of macro-control, reduced fees and taxes for enterprises, increased financial subsidies and financial support, maintained the overall stability of the industrial chain, and helped more business entities overcome the difficulties of the epidemic. China has also made overall plans for development and stability, released the great potential and powerful driving force of development, so as to minimize the impact and impact of the epidemic on Chinese economic development.

In contrast, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in the United States has exceeded 76 million and the number of deaths has reached nine hundred thousand as of February 6, 2022. The United States is the country with the largest number of confirmed cases and deaths in the world.During the Covid-19 pandemic, the medical resource allocation, social security, epidemic prevention and control and other measures of western developed countries represented by the United States were difficult to effectively control the spread of the domestic epidemic. On the contrary, they exacerbated the situation of the global pandemic and brought serious disasters to the world.

On the one hand, the US government has stubbornly pursued the concept of “freedom of prevention and control”, and the overall control measures of the epidemic was loose and disorderly, lacking a consistent attitude and position. There was a lack of coordination and coordination between the federal government and the States, which led to their policies low efficiency. The response system and mechanism of public health emergencies were weak. After the discovery of domestic confirmed cases, it was not paid enough attention, and the epidemic prevention and control response was not timely, resulting in a surge of confirmed cases in the United States.

On the other hand, the United States was not well prepared to deal with the epidemic.There was a shortage of medical resources, and the public health system was under great pressure, resulting in patients unable to receive timely and effective treatment. At the same time, the implementation of vaccination was not comprehensive and thorough, and the society can not form a general consensus on vaccination and form an effective immune barrier in the whole society. Even pursuing the group immunization policy, which ignoring the people's right to life and health and wantonly trampling on human rights.It was a manifestation of irresponsibility to the United States and the international community.

Building a Global Community of Health 

As of February 6, 2022, there have been more than 393 million confirmed cases worldwide, and the cumulative number of deaths has reached 5.73 million.The Covid-19 is still in a pandemic. The spread of the disease and mutant strain aggravate the virus. At present, many countries still have the problem of uneven allocation of medical resources such as vaccines and drugs. It is imperative to establish global and regional epidemic prevention material reserve centers.

Since the outbreak, China has overcome the dual prevention and control pressure of domestic epidemic rebound and imported cases from abroad. When the domestic epidemic has just eased, China has actively participated in the global anti epidemic action.China has always been closely united with all countries, informed the epidemic information timely, shared the whole genome sequence of Covid-19, and shared experience on epidemic prevention and control, scientific research achievements and diagnosis and treatment plan. China has provided humanitarian assistance to the international community by providing global support for epidemic prevention materials and sending medical expert groups. China's performance has set an example for the world and has been widely praised.Confronted by this virus, the Chinese people have joined together as one and united their efforts for more than two years. In this battle, China has stood together with other countries,and contributed to China's actions and wisdom.

Facing the Covid-19 epidemic continues, it is more necessary for the whole world to uphold the concept of the community of human destiny, oppose the use of stigma and politicization of the epidemic, and oppose any discrimination and prejudice against epidemic prevention and control. We will promote the construction of a human health community, actively carry out international cooperation in virus prevention and control, and provide assistance to countries and regions with weak response capacity to the epidemic. It is the common interests and expectations of people all over the world to work together to overcome difficulties and win the war for Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control.

(Li and Zhou are associated with National security school, Southwest University of political science and law)